منظمة اتحاد الأوائل رسمياً في تسعة دول خلال اقل من عامين من الجد والاجتهاد بأمانة واخلاص شعارنا معاً نستطيع بإذن الله
منافسة ادت الى هذا الانجاز بعد انتقاء مجلس ادارة اتحاد الأوائل في كل دولة بعناية وحرص للإستمرار في التطوير على التوازي والتوالي نحو عالم برؤية التنمية المستدامة لصالح بناء الانسان…
Consortium of Firsts Union Lebanon and PPWI Gives International Award to Konawe Regent
FU, Jakarta – The Firsts Union Association based in Lebanon awarded the “International Certificate of Excellence and Recognition” to Acting Konawe Regent, Dr. H. Harmin Ramba, took place in the…
Omiyage from Sakura Country, Japan
FU, Tokyo – Together with colleagues in the profession as Citizen Reporters (post journalism term – in the digital era), finally at the beginning of November 23, the author could…
Penitentiary of Bandar Lampung Collaborates with Permata Indonesia to Manage Griya Abhipraya
FU, Jakarta – The Bandar Lampung Penitentiary Agency (Bapas) cooperates with the Indonesian Former Prisoners Brotherhood (Permata) organization in the establishment and managing the Griya Abhipraya (House of Hope) Bandar…
PPWI Chairperson Condemns the Persecution of Tomohon Journalists
FU, Manado – The persecution of journalists that occurred in Tomohon City, Kolongan Batas Jaga I Village, Sonder District, received a strong response from the Chairperson of the Indonesian Citizens…
Indonesian Consultative Assembly’s Speaker Receives Appreciation from the Indonesian Citizen Journalists Association
FU, Jakarta – Speaker of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI), Bambang Soesatyo, received a Certificate of Appreciation from the National Board of Indonesian Citizens…
Indonesia, A Country of No Viral No Justice
FU, Jakarta, Indonesia – This is true! People in Indonesia is still desperately fighting for justice or fairness. Until today Indonesia’s people have yet to see any sign of equality…
Regarding the Restoration of the Bandung Merdeka Building, The Minister of Foreign Affairs Should Intervene
FU, West Java – The West Java Community Forum (Formas) and the Association of Indonesian Citizen Journalists (PPWI) urge the Government of Indonesia, especially the Minister of Foreign Affairs, to…
Indonesia Leading Media Leader Visits Cipinang Narcotics Penitentiary
Penitentiaries or prisons and detention centers are very pleasant places. A place that everyone can use as ‘Schools of Life’. This is where we practice dealing with life’s problems whose…